Fundamentals of e.Report Design
Course Length: 2 Days
Who Should Attend?
Business Analysts, Business Users
Familiarity with Microsoft SQL is helpful, but not required
Course Description:
This foundation course teaches Business Users to design and run reports, link reports to web pages, and deploy and view reports via the web, using Actuate’s e.Report Designer Professional software. In a hands-on laboratory setting, students use the report wizard to create a simple report, and then proceed to create increasingly complex reports with multiple tables.
Please note that the skills and concepts taught in this course are relevant to Business Users of both the e.Report Designer and e.Report Designer Professional products. Developers should attend the e.Report Designer Professional course to learn the more advanced programmatic elements of the e.Report Designer Professional product.
Each student receives a comprehensive course manual, which functions both as a workbook during class, and as a detailed reference guide once the class is completed.
This course will teach the student:
· Report Design concepts
· Building a report from scratch
· Accessing different data sources
· Customizing report designs and layouts
· Creating Charts
· Adding Hyperlinks
· Publishing reports to the web
Cost: $1,000
Prices are per student and include all training materials. Please call 501-952-8110 for discounts if sending more than 1 student to the same class.