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  • Information Object Designer

    Course Length:
    2 days

    Who Should Attend?
    Data architects

    ANSI SQL-92, familiarity with the Actuate product suite

    Course Description:
    In this course, data architects learn how to use the Information Object Designer to create encapsulated SQL queries called information objects and how to configure database types. Students learn how business users and report developers use information objects to create queries in Actuate Query and Information Object Query Builder. Students learn how Actuate iServer system and volume administrators administer information objects.

    Each student receives a comprehensive course manual, which functions as a workbook during the course and a detailed reference guide once the course completes.

    • Introducing information objects
    • Creating information object projects, database connection definitions, and maps of database tables and views
    • Creating information objects with simple and ad hoc parameters
    • Using information objects in Actuate Query and Information Object Query Builder in Actuate e.Report Designer Professional and Actuate e.Spreadsheet Designer
    • Publishing information objects to an Encyclopedia volume
    • Using the advanced features of Information Object Designer

    Cost: $1,000

    Prices are per student and include all training materials. Please call 501-952-8110 for discounts if sending more than 1 student to the same class.


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