Actuate Tools
BrightStar is the North American Distributor for CoSMIT GmbH, A German Company that developed a very useful Actuate tool, DACAR.
DACAR is an Actuate report analysis and documenting tool that will read the report design (.ROD) and any included library files (basic and design libraries) for all your Actuate reports and document what properties, variables and code has been added or changed.
With the analysis and documenting tool DACAR, For the first time, developers are able to obtain a quick overview of all Actuate source-code. The Actuate report is broken down into its individual parts, and a PDF document is automatically compiled which is colourful and visually appealing, as well as detailed and easily understandable.
DACAR makes it possible to create this document via a user-friendly interface, and additionally offers various functions for analysis and filtering. The results can be accessed from all across the network. The output can be tailored to the corporate identity at any time.
Through its intelligent filter function and its flexible presentation possibilities, DACAR supports the developer in the search for integrated libraries, global and local parameters, defined classes and their altered properties, overwritten methods or added variables. The entire report, including its complete structure and all associated libraries, can be documented.
With DACAR, complete project comparisons can be drawn up. Diverse versions of reports can therefore be compared with one another and all amendments that have been carried out can be tracked. With DACAR, the entire development process can be documented and monitored.
For more information, please contact: Scott Bryden
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